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if(vn_sessionid==''){ var jqXHR=$.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'https://edicola.iltempo.it/iltempo//webservice/shop/getSession.jsp', data: { _: new Date().getTime() }, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, crossDomain: true, dataType: 'json', timeout: 1000, success: function(json){ vn_sessionid=json.jsessionid; $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: '/webservices/saveVnSession.jsp', data: { jsessionid: vn_sessionid } }) } }); } simpleCart.checkoutTo="Custom"; simpleCart.currency= 'EUR'; //$.support.cors = true; CartItem.prototype._link = function(outputValue){ return ''+outputValue+''; }; var timeout_hoverCart; function toggleCart(){ if(simpleCart.quantity===0){ $('.cartInfo').hide(); $('.hoverCart').hide(); }else{ $('.cartInfo').show(); } } function getProductInfo(_productId, callback){ $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'https://edicola.iltempo.it/iltempo//webservice/getProductInfo.jsp;jsessionid='+vn_sessionid, data: { productId: _productId, _: new Date().getTime() }, dataType:'json', cache: false, success: function(json){ callback(json); 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timeout_hoverCart=window.setTimeout(function(){ $('.hoverCart').hide() },5000); } }else{ var errorMessage = json.errorMessage; $.confirm({ 'title' : '', 'message' : errorMessage, 'buttons' : {'Ok':{'class':'blue'}} }); } } }); } if (item.mediaId) { $.ajax({ url: '/actions/getMedia.jsp', dataType: 'json', data: { 'id[]': item.mediaId }, success: function( medias ){ var media = medias[0]; dataParameters['custom1['+item.productid+']'] = media.title; dataParameters['custom2['+item.productid+']'] = ''; _addProduct(); } }); } else { _addProduct(); } } var removingProduct=false; function removeProduct(item,removeAll){ if(removingProduct) return; removingProduct=true; $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'https://edicola.iltempo.it/iltempo//webservice/shop/cartRemove.jsp;jsessionid='+vn_sessionid, data: { productId: item.productid, removeAll: (removeAll), _: new Date().getTime(), elementId: item.issues }, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, crossDomain: true, dataType: 'json', success: function(json) { popolateCart(json.cart); if(typeof stats != 'undefined' ){ getProductInfo(item.productid, function(prodotto){ send_stats(item.productid, stats.event.removeProduct, prodotto[0].productName); }); } if(removeAll){ $('.add_simpleCart.simpleCartItemAdded').removeClass('simpleCartItemAdded'); }else if(item.productid){ $('.add_simpleCart[data-productid="'+item.productid+'"]').removeClass('simpleCartItemAdded'); } removingProduct=false; } }); } function simpleCartAdd(prodotto,quantity){ var image = ''; if(prodotto.product.imageAbsoluteLink){ image=prodotto.product.imageAbsoluteLink; }else if(prodotto.product.imageLink){ image='https://www.iltempo.it/resizer_ext.jsp?w=100&h=-1&maximize=true&img='+encodeURIComponent(prodotto.product.imageLink); } var description = '' + prodotto.product.productName + ''; if ( prodotto.product.productDescription.length > 0 ) { description += '\n' + prodotto.product.productDescription + ''; } simpleCart.add('productid='+prodotto.product.productId, 'issues='+prodotto.product.issues, 'quantity='+(typeof quantity === "undefined"?1:quantity), 'price='+prodotto.singlePrice, 'descrizione='+description.replace(new RegExp('\n', 'g'),'
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